(Julio del 2008)
Saludos y reciban un fuerte abrazo.
Antes que nada quisiera pedir una disculpa por la tardanza de esta información, sobre todo para aquellos y aquellas compañeras que han estado al tanto de lo que acontece sobre la situación del compañero preso.
Los motivos se reducen a que no se tenía nada claro sobre como estaba avanzando la solicitud de la prelibertad, sumándosele el laberinto burocrático que siempre esta presente en estas situaciones.
Durante el mes de mayo se continuo con la visita a Carlos, no solamente ya por su familia y gente que estamos cerca de su caso, sino que se facilito que más compañeros entraran a verle como es el caso de compañeros de la CNA del DF, gente de la Biblioteca Social Reconstruir y algunos compañeros internacionales. Esto ayudo a que el compañero Carlos tuviera contacto con más gente y ayudaran a dispersar el pensamiento mas allá de estos muros, pero sobre todo ver a compañeros que desde hace largo tiempo no veía.
En el mes de junio se estuvo a la espera de que la solicitud de prelibertad pasará a consejo. Pensando que a mediados de este se revisaría la petición, pero lamentablemente fueron rechazadas las dos ofertas de trabajo que se presentaron, una era de vendedor de periódicos y otra en un taller de serigrafía, diciéndonos que no cumplían con los requisitos, los argumentos fueron: para la primera oferta de trabajo, que no estaba dentro de los horarios de supervisión de la trabajadora social, ya que el horario del trabajo sería de 6 de la mañana a 12 del día y comúnmente la supervisión es por las tardes, además que al estar vendiendo en la calle no existía un lugar fijo para dicha supervisión, sobre la otra oferta en el taller de serigrafía nos dijeron que no cubría un horario de aproximadamente 48 horas a la semana y que el contacto con solventes podría facilitar el consumo de estos (ya que cuando le hicieron el estudio sobre personalidad a Carlos en el 2001 el admitió haber consumido drogas en alguna etapa de su vida, pero que ya no lo hacia desde hace años), por lo cual bajo este argumento se cancela la prelibertad y se considera que hasta que no exista una oferta de trabajo que cumpla con los requisitos que solicita la institución penitenciaria se reconsideraría otorgar este beneficio, por lo cual revisarían de nuevo su caso en el consejo hasta el mes de diciembre. Toda esta noticia nos vino a desanimar ya que consideramos que por ciertos requisitos fue negado este beneficio y no encontrábamos argumentos claros para tal negativa.
Por lo tanto durante el mes de julio la idea era entrevistarse con la trabajadora social para poder llegar a dos acuerdos que serian importantes. Uno que se diera tiempo suficiente para conseguir una nueva oferta de trabajo que cumpliera con los requisitos que nos piden, (cubrir un horario de 48 horas, un trabajo estable y alejado del contacto con sustancias volátiles) y el segundo que no se pasara el caso hasta diciembre sino que se volviera avalorar en el próximo consejo extraordinario. Esto era muy importante ya que por ciertos requisitos no queremos esperar más tiempo. Además que al parecer solo la oferta de trabajo fue el motivo para rechazar el beneficio de la prelibertad, sin tomar en cuenta que más del 95% ya estaba cubierto y aceptado por las diferentes áreas.
Por lo cual la entrevista se llevo a cabo la semana pasada con muy buenos resultados. En primer lugar se argumento que en el estado de Jalisco, es muy difícil conseguir trabajo (como en muchas partes) a personas que salen de las cárceles, además que en Guadalajara muchas de las veces se le pide a la persona que quiere trabajar un escrito que le llaman “carta de policía”, que es un documento que extiende en las oficinas del ayuntamiento para corroborar que no existen antecedentes penales o que no hayan participado en actos delictivos. Durante este tiempo se buscaron varios trabajos, pero ninguno pudo cumplir con tales requisitos, quedando solo la del taller de serigrafía. Y fue esta la que se presento junto con el argumento del porque no teníamos otras opciones y que el compañero solo realizaría tareas sencillas que nada tenían que ver con el manejo de solventes. Después de algunas pláticas fue aceptada y se consiguió que se revisara la petición de prelibertad en la próxima junta extraordinaria que se llevará acabo a finales de julio.
Lo que sigue es la visita de la trabajadora social al lugar donde se le daría alojamiento a Carlos si sale en libertad, verificar el lugar donde trabajaría y entrevistarse con las autoridades de la Secretaria de Seguridad Pública y Readaptación Social del Estado de Jalisco (SSPRS) para que tengan conocimiento y estén de acuerdo que el compañero realice las firmas correspondientes en las oficinas que ellos autoricen en Guadalajara. Después de esta visita que se daría en las próximas semanas tendríamos que esperar, a que el consejo técnico sesione y presente el resultado de la visita de la trabajadora social junto con la oferta de trabajo, para solicitar de nuevo la petición de prelibertad, para que se valore y ver si ya no existen impedimentos para que se le otorgue este beneficio. En caso de ser positiva la respuesta, el expediente y el resultado pasarían al juzgado segundo, donde el juez ejecutor ratificaría dicha solicitud y se reenviaría a la sala del tribunal en el estado de Toluca donde se confirmaría dicha solicitud y se giraría la orden de prelibertad para el compañero, calculamos que para mediados de agosto se nos tendrá una respuesta. En caso de ser negado el beneficio se solicitaría un plazo para cubrir los requisitos y que nuevamente se analice la petición en el próximo consejo técnico.
Durante estos meses nos hemos encontrado con un aparato burocrático absurdo que utiliza argumentos muy vagos y arbitrarios obstruyendo la pronta salida del compañero, el cual esta en tiempos de tener este beneficio. Pero también hemos reafirmado con esta experiencia, que no existe tal rehabilitación dentro de estos centros de aislamiento, ya que se supone que dentro de estos lugares existen programas de desintoxicación y platicas sobre el uso de drogas, a los cuales tienen que asistir forzosamente los internos, junto con las entrevistas que tienen que tener periódicamente con el psicólogo y la trabajadora social, supuestamente su trabajo debería de ser el ayudar y facilitar la reincorporación a la sociedad de los presos, pero son ellos mismo los que dudan del resultado de dichos programas de rehabilitación que aplican.
Aunque estamos muy entusiasmados por estos acuerdos, sabemos que hasta no encontrarse el compañero fuera de este lugar no cesara nuestra lucha y esperamos que ya no existan más barreras que lo impidan para pronto verle fuera de esos muros de represión.
Para terminar les hago llegar los saludos del compañero, el cual agradece su solidaridad, sus cartas y amistad en estos mas de siete largos años de cautiverio.
Sin mas por el momento y en caso de existir alguna duda o cometario no duden en hacerlo llegar.
Un fuerte abrazo y muchas gracias por estar al tanto de la situación del compañero.
JULY 2008
JULY 2008
Before anything I would like to apologize for the delay in sending this information, specially to those that have been aware of the situation of our mate in jail.
The reason of this delay is that we didn’t have that much information about the petition made to free Carlos.
During this month we had the opportunity to keep visiting Carlos, and not only us and his family but a lot of our mates had the opportunity to be with him such as a person from the CAN DF and people from the Social Library “Recostruir” and some international friends. This helped Carlos to have contact with more persons and helped him to send his thoughts beyond the walls but, above all, seeing his companions that he had not seen for a long time was very rewarding.
In June we waited for the freedom application to be sent to the Congress hoping that in the same month the application would be approved, unfortunately both of the job offers were rejected arguing that they didn’t feel the requirements, one was as a newspaper dealer and the other at a silk screening shop, the arguments to reject the offers, for the first job, was that the schedule wasn’t in hours that the social service worker could supervise Carlos because the job schedules were from 6 am to 12 pm and the supervision is during noon hours and also that as a dealer his work place would be the streets and for the second job they said it didn’t apply cause Carlos will be working with substances that could represent a temptation for him, under these arguments the freedom petition was rejected and they established that this petition wasn’t going to be considered until there is a job offer that applies to all the requirements and that they will be checking this matter until next December, news that make us feel a little disappointed as we considered that due certain requirements this benefit was denied and we could not find clear arguments for such a refusal.
So we decided to interview the social services worker during the month of July with the idea of getting two agreements, first they need to give us enough time to get a new job offer that applies to all the requirements (a schedule for 48 hours, a steady job free of contact with volatile substances), second that they consider reviewing this because on the next extraordinary council and not until December which is very important for us cause we don’t want to waste any more time considering that the job offer was the only reason to deny the petition as 95% of the freedom application is already covered and accepted for the different government organisms.
The interview had place last week with excellent results, in this interview we statedthat is really difficult to find a job in Jalisco, as many other places in Mexico, and also that when you apply for a job most of the times they ask for a “police letter” a document extended by the Guadalajara City Hall that states that the person does not have any police record, taking that as a fact we weren’t able to find another job offer that is why we insisted in the silk screening job to be considered as a good option. And that our mate would only perform simple tasks that would not involve any handling of solvents. After a few more interviews they finally accepted this offer and they also agreed to review the freedom petition in the next extraordinary meeting that is taking place the last days of July.
The next step is that the social service worker visit the place where our friend Carlos would be living in case they approve the freedom application and also the place where he will be working and a final interview with the Public Security and Readaptation Secretary of the State of Jalisco, here in Guadalajara, to notified that Carlos needs to go there every other day to sign the needed reports, after this visit we need to wait until the social services worker present the results and the job offer to be approved and be able to request the freedom of our friend Carlos in case they accept the petition. If this case receives a positive answer, the file and the corresponding results would be sent to Juzgado Segundo where the executive judge would ratify the request which would be sent to the court in the State of Toluca where the application would be confirmed and an order of pre-freedom for Carlos. Would be issued we believe that by the middle of August we would receive an answer. If they deny the petition we are going to ask for a period of time to complete the different requirements and ask them to analyze the application one more time.
During all these process we find a very burocratic system that gives us all kind of absurd arguments to deny the liberation of Carlos, we also find that the social services workers are the first ones in doubting that the exconvicts have the ability of living in our society again even when they are the ones that should be supporting them during this whole process.
Even when we are very excited about the agreements that we obtain with the social services worker we are aware that this fight will not stop until we see our dear friend Carlos out of jail and we are hoping that there will not be any more barriers between Carlos and his freedom.
We are pleased to send you regards from Carlos who really appreciates your support, letters and friendship during this process.
Please let me know if you have any doubts or suggestions.
Thank you very much for your concern.
Best Regards!
The reason of this delay is that we didn’t have that much information about the petition made to free Carlos.
During this month we had the opportunity to keep visiting Carlos, and not only us and his family but a lot of our mates had the opportunity to be with him such as a person from the CAN DF and people from the Social Library “Recostruir” and some international friends. This helped Carlos to have contact with more persons and helped him to send his thoughts beyond the walls but, above all, seeing his companions that he had not seen for a long time was very rewarding.
In June we waited for the freedom application to be sent to the Congress hoping that in the same month the application would be approved, unfortunately both of the job offers were rejected arguing that they didn’t feel the requirements, one was as a newspaper dealer and the other at a silk screening shop, the arguments to reject the offers, for the first job, was that the schedule wasn’t in hours that the social service worker could supervise Carlos because the job schedules were from 6 am to 12 pm and the supervision is during noon hours and also that as a dealer his work place would be the streets and for the second job they said it didn’t apply cause Carlos will be working with substances that could represent a temptation for him, under these arguments the freedom petition was rejected and they established that this petition wasn’t going to be considered until there is a job offer that applies to all the requirements and that they will be checking this matter until next December, news that make us feel a little disappointed as we considered that due certain requirements this benefit was denied and we could not find clear arguments for such a refusal.
So we decided to interview the social services worker during the month of July with the idea of getting two agreements, first they need to give us enough time to get a new job offer that applies to all the requirements (a schedule for 48 hours, a steady job free of contact with volatile substances), second that they consider reviewing this because on the next extraordinary council and not until December which is very important for us cause we don’t want to waste any more time considering that the job offer was the only reason to deny the petition as 95% of the freedom application is already covered and accepted for the different government organisms.
The interview had place last week with excellent results, in this interview we statedthat is really difficult to find a job in Jalisco, as many other places in Mexico, and also that when you apply for a job most of the times they ask for a “police letter” a document extended by the Guadalajara City Hall that states that the person does not have any police record, taking that as a fact we weren’t able to find another job offer that is why we insisted in the silk screening job to be considered as a good option. And that our mate would only perform simple tasks that would not involve any handling of solvents. After a few more interviews they finally accepted this offer and they also agreed to review the freedom petition in the next extraordinary meeting that is taking place the last days of July.
The next step is that the social service worker visit the place where our friend Carlos would be living in case they approve the freedom application and also the place where he will be working and a final interview with the Public Security and Readaptation Secretary of the State of Jalisco, here in Guadalajara, to notified that Carlos needs to go there every other day to sign the needed reports, after this visit we need to wait until the social services worker present the results and the job offer to be approved and be able to request the freedom of our friend Carlos in case they accept the petition. If this case receives a positive answer, the file and the corresponding results would be sent to Juzgado Segundo where the executive judge would ratify the request which would be sent to the court in the State of Toluca where the application would be confirmed and an order of pre-freedom for Carlos. Would be issued we believe that by the middle of August we would receive an answer. If they deny the petition we are going to ask for a period of time to complete the different requirements and ask them to analyze the application one more time.
During all these process we find a very burocratic system that gives us all kind of absurd arguments to deny the liberation of Carlos, we also find that the social services workers are the first ones in doubting that the exconvicts have the ability of living in our society again even when they are the ones that should be supporting them during this whole process.
Even when we are very excited about the agreements that we obtain with the social services worker we are aware that this fight will not stop until we see our dear friend Carlos out of jail and we are hoping that there will not be any more barriers between Carlos and his freedom.
We are pleased to send you regards from Carlos who really appreciates your support, letters and friendship during this process.
Please let me know if you have any doubts or suggestions.
Thank you very much for your concern.
Best Regards!
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